My Process
“My Art is about creating mythic imagery for our time,”
but the reference is to something greater, beyond our sense perception. It is to create visual metaphors that bring echoes of perennial truths into our contemporary consciousness.
It is to render visible, the underlying meaning and purpose of humanity. Through the use of the new tools of knowledge, understanding, and perception.
It is to take that which is archetypal and sacred in our shared humanity and bring its essence forward to perceive its meaning in the continuum of life as a universal intent for the evolution of consciousness.
In other words, seeing how the macro machines of our universe relates to the microcosm of our experience.

“My Art is about allowing perception to
ascend between the pairs of opposites.”
-Leo Fuchs
Leo Fuchs has continued to create and exhibit art throughout California
in many group and solo shows. Leo has taught drawing, painting, design, and art philosophy at major colleges and universities. Leo is also known for his many
many public lectures on “The True and Final Meaning of Art” as well as “ Human Creative Intelligence for Life ”.
Leo has also appeared on numerous radio and television shows, and has published dozens of articles on art education, creative development, and right brain intelligence.